Your in-house responsible investment unit

Tailored solutions to empower and guide you at every stage of your sustainability journey.
Empower your business with seamless integration of vertical and horizontal data analytics. From regulatory reporting to strategic decision-making, Compass delivers a comprehensive system tailored to your needs.

Built-In Sustainability Software

Let’s face it, using excel-based tools isn’t really cutting it anymore, is it?  Compass provides you with ESG analytics and tools for every need.

Our modular platform lets you connect your funds to our ESG data marketplace to calculate TCFD, SFDR and SDR aligned metrics.

Empowered by data, guiding towards Impact

Yes, investing for ‘Impact’ is just as much about capital allocation as it is about process and holding your stakeholders to account.  Our data-led tools helps investors to monitor their contribution towards impact objectives across all their investments, not just within ‘impact’-labeled funds.

  • Optimize risk-adjusted returns and impact objectives based on quantifiable metrics, tracked over time.

  • Monitor the SDG ‘impact’ of your funds across both public and private markets.

  • Leverage our suite of leading data analytics and curated workflows to power your engagement and voting activities.

Drive Time & Cost Efficiency

Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. But if you give him a fishing rod, you feed him for a lifetime.

Take the reins of your ESG strategy. With Compass, you empower your team with in-house expertise, resources, and agency to drive impact without relying on external consultants and service providers. Compass is your in house virtual ESG analysis and compliance unit.

Meet our team

Get to know the faces behind the scenes and learn about the values that drive us.




Whether you have a query, suggestion, or simply want to drop us a line, we're here and ready to assist you.

Thank you for choosing Compass.

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